Marcellina Martins currently has no General Practice appointments available at this practice on Healthengine's directory.
Dr Marcellina Martins is a well respected female GP holding invaluable experience. She enjoys providing comprehensive care to her patients.
Dr Martins completed her postgraduate medical training from the University of Stellenbosch in 2006. Prior to that, she obtained a Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). She also acquired a fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP).
Marcellina obtained her Postgraduate training as a Family Physician from South Africa before arriving in Australia and holds a Master of Family Medicine (MFamMed). She commenced working at Arafura Medical Clinics at Humpty Doo in December 2008. Now she is enthusiastic to become a member of the team at the Bakewell Medical Centre.
Special interests:
Dr Martins is a compassionate GP in Bakewell specialising in all aspects of General Practice. She is particularly interested in Disease Prevention, Women’s Health, Children’s Health and Chronic Disorders Management, including Hypertension and Diabetes. She is highly skilled in performing minor surgeries especially the removal of a Foreign Body from an eye.
Alongside English, Dr Marcellina Martins can speak African Languages.