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National Dental Care, Buddina

Buddina Dentist
100% of patients would recommend this practice based on 14 reviews within the last 12 months.
Last booking via Healthengine was made 11 hours ago
Pricing and payment

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Mon 23 October
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Open until 7:00pm
Suites 2 - 4 / 3 Burns Street Buddina, QLD 4575

Teeth are Tools for Life

National Dental Care Buddina has been keeping the Sunshine Coast smiling since 1980. Our Buddina dental practice focuses on providing optimal dental care, and this has cemented our position as one of the leading dental practices in the area.

Situated in Buddina, right next to Kawana Shoppingworld, we are a progressive and comprehensive dental practice with a friendly and caring team. Our Buddina dentists provide patients with the safety and efficiency of evidence-based dentistry.

Free Parking is available at the front of the practice. With more parking available at adjoining Kawana Shoppingworld, visiting your dentist in Buddina has never been easier than this.

  • Our vision is to create a model dental practice where excellence abounds and passion thrives. Our Buddina dentists consistently challenge themselves to provide our patients with services of a high standard in a caring, supportive environment.
  • Our purpose is simply to be the best. We want the best for our patients and for ourselves.

We achieve this by delivering quality dental care in a working environment that is attractive and welcoming to both patients and staff. This environment encourages self-expression and growth in work and life experiences.

At our dental clinic in Buddina we provide comprehensive quality care, based on a thorough diagnosis of dental and emotional needs. State-of-the-art technology is utilised to achieve the best possible long-term results, always keeping patients’ comfort as a top priority. Uncompromising clinical excellence is our standard. We also place a great emphasis on preventing problems by informing, guiding and encouraging our patients to have the best dental health possible.

Providing optimum dental care requires a partnership based on understanding and trust. Patients, quite rightly, expect us to deliver the ultimate in dental care and we expect them to maintain it. We are inspired by patients who value our efforts and who respond to our oral hygiene programme by taking a dedicated role in maintaining their dental health. Accepting this responsibility allows our patients to preserve their investment of time and money. As our clinical time is limited, we restrict our practice to patients who share our philosophy.

  • Our staff members are special people – that’s why they work here. They are friendly, courteous and enthusiastic thus creating a warm, cheerful atmosphere that our patients greatly appreciate. But, above all, they are professionals demonstrating the highest standards of quality and integrity. They function as a loyal team dedicated to supporting each other and to improving services to our patients. This is achieved by our commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. They are passionate about being the best that they can be. Their personal initiative and extraordinary efforts are recognised and rewarded.
  • Our practice operates on sound business principles. Our fees reflect the level of service we provide and ensure ongoing profitability of our business. The quality of services provided by our Buddina dentists are nothing less than the best. Our patients benefit by receiving optimal dental care in a world-class facility provided by a motivated, educated team.

Booking an appointment with your family dentist in Buddina is easy and can be done at any time using our convenient online booking service. Simply scroll to the top of the page and click on a suitable appointment time from the options displayed to get started now.


People profile photo of Shruti Goswami

Shruti Goswami

Dentist, Female
People profile photo of Vanessa Hayman

Dr Vanessa Hayman

Dentist, Female
People profile photo of John Robert-Thomson

Dr John Robert-Thomson

Dentist, Male

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Pricing and payment

Pricing Guide

This pricing is indicative only. Actual fees may vary based on the treatment received during the appointment, and if you have preferred provider private health insurance.

Standard Fees

New Patient Check-up and clean


No gap for health fund patients. As part of a dental check-up and clean, your overall oral health will be assessed by the provider and may include but is not limited to the following item codes.

No gap for health fund patients. As part of a dental check-up and clean, your overall oral health will be assessed by the provider and may include but is not limited to the following item codes.

Item no.TreatmentQty
Removal of calculus – first appointment
Comprehensive oral examination



Available from $2995 (for Invisalign Express). Make an appointment for a free Invisalign Consultation to find out the best Invisalign option for you. Payment options also available.

Available from $2995 (for Invisalign Express). Make an appointment for a free Invisalign Consultation to find out the best Invisalign option for you. Payment options also available.

Item no.TreatmentQty

Preferred insurance providers

National Dental Care, Buddina is a preferred provider for the following health insurance funds. Patients with an eligible policy with one of the preferred providers listed below may be entitled to a higher rebate than that of a non-preferred provider.
Australian UnityCBHSDefence HealthHCFMedibankNIBNurses & Midwives HealthRT HealthTeachers Health FundTUHUni HealthUnion HealthWestfund

Billing policy

National Dental Care, Buddina has been keeping the Sunshine Coast smiling since 1980. Situated in Buddina, next to Kawana Shopping World, we are a progressive, and comprehensive dental practice, with a friendly and caring team situated on the Coast.

Payment methods


Practice information

Contact details

Suites 2 - 4 / 3 Burns Street Buddina, QLD 4575View in map

Opening hours

8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm



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Children's play area
Free onsite parking
GP Nearby

Special interests

Cosmetic dentistry
Nib preferred provider
General dentistry